Monday, May 13, 2013

Using our powerful minds for good!

We are brutal to ourselves.  Inside our own heads we beat ourselves up over a thousand different infractions and failures.  Didn’t stick to our diet, didn’t exercise today…or yesterday…or last week.  Things we didn’t do, or things we need to do and haven’t gotten to yet.  It takes a huge toll, maybe even bigger than we ever imagined.

Likewise, when we make the decision to shower ourselves with positive, self-affirming statements we have an equally powerful positive impact on ourselves, our feelings, our perspective and yes…even our bodies.
We have the capacity to literally alter our own brain structure because our brains don’t know the difference between 'imagination' and 'reality'. If we pretend to play a musical instrument, then a PET scan (positron emission tomography) is almost identical to one taken by the person that is actually playing the musical instrument.

So, we can pretend our way to anything.  Imagine it and it becomes concretized in our very cells.  It makes sense that if we dwell and focus on suffering that suffering is what gets concretized and overlaid on everything we are.  If we dwell and focus on our incredible strength, power, potential and dreams…then THAT is what we actual begin to create.

Deepak Copra, M.D. says, "We are the only creatures on the planet who can change our biology through our thoughts, feelings and intentions. Our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and being changed by them.

We are approaching summer solstice.  It would be a great time to consider the enormous power we have and make the decision to use that power for good rather than evil.  Time to rescue ourselves from the tower.

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